We had the pleasure of taking a quick trip to San Diego for some R&R/beach time. Hen could not contain himself for the following reasons:
Plane trip
Cousin Norah
San Diego
Niceh (Nees-ey)
Cousin Norah
For a little tyke, Henry has an incredible memory. Of course he remembers his cousin, but he manages to make the San Diego/beach connection. Well he should as he is a California baby (by birth right-ha ha. He truly IS a beach baby).
Any who, we had a wonderful time. As soon as our tickets were booked I called my acupuncturist Carrie, to get me in for 2 sessions that week. Boy do I need my acupuncture. I so miss it and I haven't gone the extra mile to find someone here in DC. I must admit I do get stuck in the rat race/pace in DC (mental note..don't DO that).
As soon as my body hit that table and the first needle went in, I was relieved. I mean completely relieved. It was pure. It was relaxing and I could breath. All buzzing completely left my body and all my natural rhythms could sync. My body was home.
Having had my acupuncture visits I found that my ability to cope with a roving 3 year was so much EASIER and stable. Wow, what a concept.
After I received my first TREATment at the acupuncturist that Friday, I managed to go with my mom to get a much needed pedicure followed by some shopping.
During my 'free' afternoon of replenishing, Henry had the opportunity to spend time with his old nanny Eunice (aka Niceh) and her son Joshua. It was such a momentous occasion for Hen and I was delighted by his affection towards her. When she arrived that Friday morning, Hen completely shot out like an arrow to throw his arms around her. He was so happy to see her. He also was happy to see Joshua. Their day was filled with playing at park, visiting with her family in Chula Vista and scooters.
Henry with Niceh, Joshua and Norah
During our first visit back to the beach, we anticipated a quick visit to the tide pools in La Jolla (one of my most favorite areas, small beach in the windnsea area of La Jolla). This turned into a 2 hour visit with all clothes off except his skivvies (underwear). He loooovved the water. Loved loved loved it! Wow! This kid has no fear. I don't think he has a full understanding that he can't swim all that well.
Heading for the sea
Norah and Hen playing in the sand
Tidal pool where they find miniature crab
After running in and out from the waves, collecting shells and digging in the sand, we finally rounded up the kids and headed back home to my sisters house.
During that week, the days were full of activity, but I found some much needed relief. I enjoyed walks to the park, the cool crisp breeze, the flowers and the good food!
Hen and I
Plane trip
Cousin Norah
San Diego
Niceh (Nees-ey)
Cousin Norah
For a little tyke, Henry has an incredible memory. Of course he remembers his cousin, but he manages to make the San Diego/beach connection. Well he should as he is a California baby (by birth right-ha ha. He truly IS a beach baby).
Any who, we had a wonderful time. As soon as our tickets were booked I called my acupuncturist Carrie, to get me in for 2 sessions that week. Boy do I need my acupuncture. I so miss it and I haven't gone the extra mile to find someone here in DC. I must admit I do get stuck in the rat race/pace in DC (mental note..don't DO that).
As soon as my body hit that table and the first needle went in, I was relieved. I mean completely relieved. It was pure. It was relaxing and I could breath. All buzzing completely left my body and all my natural rhythms could sync. My body was home.
Having had my acupuncture visits I found that my ability to cope with a roving 3 year was so much EASIER and stable. Wow, what a concept.
After I received my first TREATment at the acupuncturist that Friday, I managed to go with my mom to get a much needed pedicure followed by some shopping.
During my 'free' afternoon of replenishing, Henry had the opportunity to spend time with his old nanny Eunice (aka Niceh) and her son Joshua. It was such a momentous occasion for Hen and I was delighted by his affection towards her. When she arrived that Friday morning, Hen completely shot out like an arrow to throw his arms around her. He was so happy to see her. He also was happy to see Joshua. Their day was filled with playing at park, visiting with her family in Chula Vista and scooters.
During our first visit back to the beach, we anticipated a quick visit to the tide pools in La Jolla (one of my most favorite areas, small beach in the windnsea area of La Jolla). This turned into a 2 hour visit with all clothes off except his skivvies (underwear). He loooovved the water. Loved loved loved it! Wow! This kid has no fear. I don't think he has a full understanding that he can't swim all that well.
After running in and out from the waves, collecting shells and digging in the sand, we finally rounded up the kids and headed back home to my sisters house.
During that week, the days were full of activity, but I found some much needed relief. I enjoyed walks to the park, the cool crisp breeze, the flowers and the good food!