Yesterday our newest addition to our family turned 2 months! I haven't introduced this special little package on this blog as of I have not been attending to the site as much as I would like.
May I introduce the sweetest little bundle:
Camilla Georgina Kruuse
She arrived on April 8th 2012, right on her due date. She is my little Easter bunny baby! She was a quick natural delivery as well. I checked in at the hospital on Saturday night at 11:30 pm and she arrived two hours later at 1:34 am! Whew!
These past two months have been a complete whirl! Its hard to believe how quickly time has passed. Camilla has been a complete joy and i can't imagine our family without her.
Hen has been the best, most loving big brother. He gives her kisses and cozies up with her most days. Of course he has his moments of needing my undivided attention, but I made it known real quick that if he felt that he needed attention he should tell me directly instead of taking the easy route by acting out!
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Camilla's 2 month milestones are:
- Sleeping 8 hours in the night
- Nurses really well
- Cooing and chatting up at storm
- Playing kick kick with her legs
- Copy cat faces (you make a face and she'll mimic it)
- During tummy time she can lift her hips
- Her eyes are a beautiful shade of blue grey, I wonder if they will stay like that?