Where the heck has the time gone. All my fellow blogger friends, perhaps you've been wondering where on earth I went...I apologize. This moving states twice within one year is definitely taking years off my life! The great news is we made it to DC and are alive! What an epic journey and I am not so sure I want to relive it on these pages it was so darn epic.
We packed house, trucked it by way of route 80 east through Nebraska, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Maryland and then DC! What an adventure. I've always traveled in the past by way of 70 so I was keen on a new route. I wasn't really sure what to expect in Nebraska or Iowa as I had never been to those two states, but I was very drawn to Iowa. Perhaps it had to do with the fact that my great grandfather was raised there (his Dad had owned one of the first flour mills there), in Walnut Iowa. The landscape was really lovely. Of course there were farms abound (which I had expected), but what I had not, was the rolling hills! There were farms whose corn crops were on tiered hillsides. I've only seen corn growing on very FLAT land so this was a view to behold. Next thing that surprised me were the wind turbines. Whoa! These large wind mills where scattered everywhere like LARGE ants. It was fascinating!
Wish I could tell you that the rest of the trip was just as intriguing but alas it was not! I will relieve you of the saga. Let's just say it took a whole extra night to get to DC (we planned two but ended up three) which we were not planning on. Henry was a fab little traveler and loved riding in the truck. After having rode in the high truck with huge windows where he could see the world, the Audi no longer cut it.
Nevertheless, we made it!
Our first 5 days here were spent recouping, unloading our house in storage and spending time with family. I've moved all my equipment in my Pilates studio and am finishing up the last touches before we are ready to "open shop." The past few weeks I've been juggling so many to do's. To start, I am trying to sort out Henry's school. I've seen a couple of really fabulous schools that have Spanish immersion. Now I am on a hunt for a nanny who can supplement a few hours here and there. The third ball in the air, is finding a place to live. Needless to say I'm gonna need a vacation before I start my new job. Ha ha!
Henry has been going through this transition like a super star. He mentioned going home a few times. I know once we get into our own house with his own bed etc, he will be home!
Having my family around has been a huge help. This is something I am so very happy about. The support is tremendous. On top of my family affair, I have wonderful friends here too.
Living out of a suitcase has been a challenge let alone a toddler who is running wild! We are staying at my aunts house which has been incredibly fantastic! We get daily swims in, great conversation and delicious food. Speaking of food, my aunt and I saw Julie and Julia! What a fantastically sweet movie. I loved it. I thought Meryl Streep hit Julia Child right on the money! Her mannerisms and body language was spot on! There were points in the movie where both Trisha and I were literally cackling out loud it was so hilarious!

Any who back to the juggling, the past few weeks...it has been wild. We're hoping to have things settled by this coming week. Will keep you all posted. I've missed my blog friends and my google reader. In the coming weeks I will be back on track. In the meantime do check in here and there to see what's new!
If you don't mind me asking, what was your [great?] great grandfathers name. Being a native Walnutian, I am always looking for some tidbits of Walnut history.
Hi SG! Do you still live in Walnut? My great great grandfather was George Eben Eroe. He owned Crystal Roller Mills,
Spangler, Eroe and Co., Proprietors in Walnut Iowa. He was married to Maud Lillian Stone Eroe (from N Aurora IL by way of Pennsylvania) in 1885. They had two children Harold Eroe and Aunt Peg (this was her nickname. Her given name I think is Laura. Aunt Peg stayed in Walnut (can get you more info on her but I think she must of passed in the early 70's). Harold Eroe married my great grandmother Georgia (Giorgina) Ricciardi in Washington DC. Resided in NJ.
What other tidbits of Walnut might you have? My aunt told me that back in the 1880's they had many wheat crops but not many mills which is what brought my great great grandfather there in order ro set up a mill. Sound right? As I wrote in my post, I was enamored by the rolling hills of Iowa. I look forward to actually stopping through the town of Walnut for a specific family genealogy hunt. We have some great letters written from my GGgrandfather George to his wife Lil. Unfortunately traveling with the 2 year old didn't leave me the option to stop!
Thanks for responding. I nearly forgot to come back and check :)
I do still live in Walnut.
The names do not sound familiar offhand, but I will look into it and see if I can find something for you.
Thanks again,
Thanks SG for getting back too! Please let me know what you dig up!
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