Last week was spirit week at Hen's school! This meant that each day they participated in new themed activities each day.
Monday - Pajama Day
Tuesday - Crazy hair day (clothes)
Wednesday - Water day (wear your bathing suit to school)
Thursday - Science experiment day (learn about tornado's, volcano's etc)
Friday - Sport day ( wear your favorite team outfit)
Henry loved it! We started off a little shake-y as I had forgotten that on Monday we needed to be wearing our pj's.... so after I dropped Hen off, I went straight home and returned with the jamers. Whew!
After school on Monday, Hen told me that he wanted to put rainbow colors in his hair for the following days festivities!
We ventured off to the party store that afternoon and did some test hair dos. Tuesday am we put a pony tail in on top of his head and then sprayed his hair with pink, blue and green! HA ! What a fun day!
Tuesday - Crazy hair day (clothes)
Wednesday - Water day (wear your bathing suit to school)
Thursday - Science experiment day (learn about tornado's, volcano's etc)
Friday - Sport day ( wear your favorite team outfit)
Henry loved it! We started off a little shake-y as I had forgotten that on Monday we needed to be wearing our pj's.... so after I dropped Hen off, I went straight home and returned with the jamers. Whew!
After school on Monday, Hen told me that he wanted to put rainbow colors in his hair for the following days festivities!
We ventured off to the party store that afternoon and did some test hair dos. Tuesday am we put a pony tail in on top of his head and then sprayed his hair with pink, blue and green! HA ! What a fun day!
Mother's day weekend was jam packed! We went to a Zoo birthday party which was a blast for the little ones. Hen got to burn off his energy with a safari walk through the park with some of his best buddies. Zoo's are brilliant for young minds wanting to learn about animals as well as for scientific research, but I really do have a hard time seeing animals confined to small areas who need so much more space.
but be careful not to stand below them as they can do their 'business' at ANY time!
On Mother's day, I decided that I would make a rhubarb pie (my first ever)
for my mom. What an adventure! My son helped out as well as he loves cooking with us which most of the time (minus the mess of course) is really quite fun. He loves to mix and help out with putting the ingredients into the Cuisinart.
This one was done in about an hour! Cooked at 400 degrees F
Please let me know if you'd like the recipe. I can put it in my next post or email it to you!
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