Its crazy to think that Thanksgiving has past and Christmas is on its way. We just had Halloween, right?
Here's a little snippet of what's been happening the last few weeks!
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
My Bee and Pirate trick or treaters!
This Halloween seemed crazier than ever. All the activities and events, that my five year old was involved in, took place within three days and seemed to be enough sugar load for one year. HA!
There was much fun to be had so honestly you can't have too much of that. This year I assisted in the classroom Halloween party and parade.
The children participated in the school costume parade. It was adorable as the kids marched around the school grounds and up into the neighborhood. The kids were super excited and happy to parade around and see all the different costumes.
Aye, Matey!
Four mothers assisted in the party planning. We came up with some great ideas. We had 4 stations for the kiddos to visit within the classroom.
Station 1: Snack station: They could decorate a petite cupcake with icing or gummy worms.
Mmm Cupcakes!
We also had a pudding option where the children could create their own graveyard. We used a recipe similar to this one on Bon Apetite. But replaced the homemade pudding with store bought pudding cups as our school doesn't allow us to bring in baked goods from home.
Station 2: Halloween bingo. One mom, brought in the game and witches hat. She had a blast playing along the kids. Each child received a small Halloween trinket for participating.
Station 3: Build your own pumpkin face. I cut out pumpkin shapes from orange construction paper. The children had goggly eyes, black triangles, crayons, stickers, and pipe cleaners to make their creations.
Station 4: Coloring station. We printed out Halloween images from this website. At this station, the children were self guided and could spend some time on their own.
Our neighborhood parade has been a yearly event that we all look forward to. Its a blast, where all the kiddos in our hood gather at the neighborhood park to showcase their costumes. After a walk around the park, kids venture out to look for candy in a scavenger hunt.
Waiting in line to walk around the park
Now we have loads of candy that is sitting around our house, tempting us as well as turning my boy into a sugar monster! Planning to donate!
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Yellow Door
After having a plain au naturale wood door for a few years too many, I decided to paint it a fun bright color. I pondered my choices over a year ago, here.
About 6 months after that post, I painted my door, a bright yellow (lime-like).
It's been lovely having such a fun color, and my neighbors have said great things. Glad it is cheering up those who walk by.
Lately I've been dreaming up all kinds of design ideas for the house and started a list of 'projects' which I am now tired of putting off and getting rather annoyed with myself for the continued put off. I will post them here on the blog as they get checked off.
yellow door
Thursday, October 18, 2012
One Liners!
It would be in my best interest to utilize this blog as best as I can to document some of those quick moments in time, where your child says the funniest or quirkiest thing. Note to self, make a point to write them down!
Yesterday, was one of those days Hen was on a roll. Once he got off the bus that he told me he had 'THE BEST DAY EVER!' So I asked him what happened. He told me that he got to be a 'patrol' on the bus! Here's a little background:
Since he started Kindergarten, one of the highlights for him is to ride the bus to school and back. What a lucky kid (I never got to do that). Well he is IN LOVE with one of the patrols on the bus, Gracie, who is a 5th grader I might add....(we're in trouble). So his conversation once off the bus is usually about the patrols and how he wants to be one etc, etc. So yesterday, he go to be one! "The best part," he said, "is that I got to give high fives to everyone who got off the bus stop!" Woo hoo, little man! It just lights up my life that something like high five-ing kids getting off the bus, brings the kid so much joy! LOVE IT!
Then early this morning while having family time in bed (6:45 am), Henry says, "I want to kiss a girl!" I respond, "Oh, who do you want to kiss?" "I want to kiss the girl I am going to marry." "Do you know who you are going to marry?" I inquire? "No, I don't. Mom, how will I know who I am going to marry? What if I can't find someone? " I'm thinking in my head, 'this boy truly has nothing to worry about.' But I was a little taken by the fact that he was truly concerned about this, as a 5 year old. This thought popped into thin air as soon as Hen said that he wanted to marry me, "No actually," he said, "I want to marry Daddy." Ahh, phew! The kid still is really quite uninhibited on the whole subject and we'll go ahead and keep it that way for awhile.
mommy blog,
Monday, October 8, 2012
Happy half birthday baby girl!!
Today is Camilla Georgina's official 6 month birthday!
I can't believe how quickly time has flown.
Baby girl, I promise to do my best to relish in all moments with you. To breath you in, sniff your adorable round head and make you laugh. A lot has changed since last month. You are now sitting on your own! Rolling over and sliding your little self about is how your are getting around. It won't be long before you start to crawl! You love to make spitting noises with your your mouth as well as pursing your lips to make raspberries. In the mornings we can hear you chatting
in your crib and other times screeching out loud telling us to come get you out of your crib.
You love to sing and chat. We say our "ba, ba, ba's" together as well as our "tha, tha, tha's." When we are out and about you love connecting with people. You are so smiley and engaged!
The mommy attachment is just starting and at times you cry when I leave the room.
Your brother is IN LOVE with YOU! He loves to help me out by giving you toys to play with. He hasn't quite changed a diaper yet, but we'll work on that one! He gives you about 1000 hugs a day. His heart is so filled with so much LOVE. He will tell you that your name is in his heart forever. Talk about loyal, he will always be there for you.
It's hard to believe that you are halfway to one year!
Where did my little baby girl infant go?
We LOVE you!
Love, Mama
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
5 Months
I can't believe how time truly is flying. I know we all talk about it and experience it, but if we can just slow down a tad, please!?
Baby girl just turned 5 months this past Saturday (Sept 8th), she is becoming such an independent young little darling. With such skills in the social scene!!! She smiles at everyone, coos, giggles, flirts, reaches out for mommy, talks up a storm (she loves to tell me all about it). About a week ago we started her on some cereal. SHE LOVES IT! She is practically feeding herself. She just wants to grab at that spoon and shovel it in! Not so fast little fire cracker!
So far her body is acclimating. I was sure to mix in more breast milk than cereal for almost a week. I've now beefed up the bulk a little so she can work with a new consistency and have it stick to her bones a bit.
Her sleeping is spot on. Last night was her first night without waking to eat. She did make a few sounds here and there, but she went back to sleep right away. She is now sleeping in her own crib in her room :(
She is no longer in the mommy and daddy's room. What a big girl!
5 Months!
baby girl,
new baby,
raising children
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
One week down!
Yes, Henry is in Kindergarten! Last Monday, the 27th was a very big day.
The night before we read, The Night Before Kindergarten ( a very cute book btw).
He was giddy with excitement! He kept telling me, I'm going to Kindergarten tomorrow, Mommy! After his bedtime routine, bath, book, crackers, teethbrushing and a quick spine rub (aka back rub), Henry quickly fell asleep (and to my surprise)!
He woke early (6:30 am) and couldn't believe that this was the DAY! He quickly dressed and was eating breakfast by 7 am, well slightly, it was more like a few bites...he was so excited and probably quite nervous about his big day, that he didn't have an appetite! He had his backpack with his lunch box secured in place (it clips onto the pack) by 7:30 am. He literally danced about the house with his pack on waiting for 8 am, when we could leave for the bus see, he didn't want to MISS the bus. We opened the front door to leave the house about 8 am after having peeked out our front windows to see if our two neighbors, also kindergartners, who live across the street were out front. The kids dashed out and into the street (we have a quiet street), screaming with excitement about their new adventure..kindergarten and going on the BUS. The parents said our good mornings with coffees in hand. Up the street a mere half block is our stop, luckily we were some of the first to arrive at the stop...Henry was screaming, "We can't miss the bus!"
We all anticipated the arrival of the bus. Henry shook with excitement! At about 15 past 8 the big yellow bus came around the bend. The kids screamed, "the bus, it's here!" We gave our kisses and hugs goodbye.
The bus stopped, the kids started grabbing for their friends hands as they approached the bus. Henry took Quinn's hand. They had agreed to sit with each other and were going to stay together and help one another get to their classroom and all. Henry stepped up onto the first step of the bus and as he did this, my anticipation of this whole experience now multiplied..and then my heart dropped! Oh my, my little baby is now off to Elementary school! He's really a big boy.
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Look who the Easter bunny brought!
Yesterday our newest addition to our family turned 2 months! I haven't introduced this special little package on this blog as of I have not been attending to the site as much as I would like.
May I introduce the sweetest little bundle:
Camilla Georgina Kruuse
She arrived on April 8th 2012, right on her due date. She is my little Easter bunny baby! She was a quick natural delivery as well. I checked in at the hospital on Saturday night at 11:30 pm and she arrived two hours later at 1:34 am! Whew!
These past two months have been a complete whirl! Its hard to believe how quickly time has passed. Camilla has been a complete joy and i can't imagine our family without her.
Hen has been the best, most loving big brother. He gives her kisses and cozies up with her most days. Of course he has his moments of needing my undivided attention, but I made it known real quick that if he felt that he needed attention he should tell me directly instead of taking the easy route by acting out!
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Camilla's 2 month milestones are:
- Sleeping 8 hours in the night
- Nurses really well
- Cooing and chatting up at storm
- Playing kick kick with her legs
- Copy cat faces (you make a face and she'll mimic it)
- During tummy time she can lift her hips
- Her eyes are a beautiful shade of blue grey, I wonder if they will stay like that?
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
It's Cookie Time!
Yesterday, we made the most yummy oatmeal chocolate chip cookies! Henry and I love to cook together. Henry loves being a "chef, " so I had stocked up on organic baking needs from Whole Foods. I picked up butter, eggs, chocolate chips, and the oats from their bulk bins. I had all the other necessary goods needed.
When trying new recipes I opt to look at a few online and then combine the ones that look best to me (usually don't like cooking with abundance of Baking powder and Baking soda at the same time, and usually I cut the amount by a 1/4 tsp).
So I combined Betty Crockers version with this one, from Savory Sweet Life blog.
Ingredients (as Organic as possible):
1 1/2 Brown sugar, gently packed
1 cup Butter (slightly cold but not frozen)
1 1/4 tsp Vanilla
1 egg
1 tsp Baking Soda
1/4 tsp Sea Salt
1 1/4 cup flour
1/2 cup Almond meal
1 3/4 cup Oats (not quick oats)
Chocolate Chips (semi sweet)
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
In a mixer (with the paddle attachment), mix brown sugar and butter until fluffy (about medium to high speed). Mix for at least 2 minutes.
Slow down the mixer while you add the vanilla and the egg. Let it mix completely. Add in baking soda, salt, flour, almond meal, oats and chocolate chips.
Create spoon sized balls onto non-greased baking sheets. Cook until lightly golden brown!
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