Tuesday, June 30, 2009
The bridge to.....
I am thinking about having a garage sale, I love giving them as I get quite siked up about purging out all the junk that starts to accumulate. Where does Henry get all those darn trucks and cars from? Visits at friends, gifts from family members, our weekly shop at Target ( he wishes), you name it! Hoping it will be a successful one.
Another fun way I recently got rid ofsome things, was a clothing swap (you can get rid but also come home with something "new"). Last Saturday I hosted my first Clothing Swap with my girlfriends. Our friends invited friends. They brought clothing they were tired of, no longer wore or just wanted to rid themselves of. This is a great way to recycle and reuse. After some wine and hors d'oeuvres on the patio we headed to the living room and started to look over each others stuff. It was so fun and everyone made off with something "new!" Will have to host another one of those in the future. Twas successful..I made off with a very cool white leather bracelet, a skirt, a shirt and 2 pairs of brand-spanking new shoes (must have been impulse purchases).
Was just doing some research on Clothing Swaps and came across a plethora of sites.....
Did you know that people are swapping clothing at special scheduled EVENTS across the country? Check out www.clothingswaps.com Wow there is a mecca of this out there. Also there is a site called SwapStyle Where you trade with women online all over the world! Had no idea there was this out there. Very interesting!
Tomorrow I should know more about the outcome of this proposal, please hold thumbs or cross your fingers for me!
Thursday, June 25, 2009

(Images from Elle Decoration South Africa)
As for my work, my proposal has been sent! It's off and now I must wait.....so must you! Will keep you all posted as the time draws near!
Back from whirlwind trip #2
Just got back from the east coast. We went to our friends first birthday in Princeton NJ and then went onto DC to see my family. This trip was 4 nights....quite a bit of travel to do in a short period AND with a 2 year old. Needless to say, now that we are home, I am REALLY sick with an awful cold/flu. Oh poor me...sorry need to have a pity party at the moment cause I do. I haven't felt this bad in a long. It's that kind of sickness where you really can't play it off. I look and feel like hell. Today I am still in my pj's and my poor child has to deal with a mommy who just doesn't have it in her to be the best playmate. So we are doing the best at the moment.
I've got so much going on at the moment and wish I could share all of it right now, but just can't. However, I will tell you that I have a big deadline tomorrow.....I am writing a proposal for a Pilates program. Can't say any more than that at the moment but will share more as I move forward with all this. It is VERY exciting. We've got some big changes on the horizon and 1) I don't want to jinx it 2) don't want to mention detail it until I know it is a go. Sorry for the tease, but please do stay tuned in!
Despite feeling the beginnings of what turned out to be a cold while on travels we had a excellent time. We had a great time with friends in Princeton and ate at gorgeous restaurant called, Eno Terra. (the website doesn't do it justice)
Then we took the train to DC, which was Henry's very first Amtrak ride. I grew up going on the train so I was excited to have Henry partake in this adventure. He loved it and much to my father's excitement too as he is a huge train buff. While in DC we saw family which is always hectic, as I usually run from household to household, but was happy when my dad invited my mom to dinner....they're divorced after 32 years of marriage and are finally able to hang out with each other despite my dad being remarried (which has been an ongoing source of contention). Must admit it was a tad weird having my family all sit around the table including my dad's wife, she handled it well even when my parents chatted about good memories of the ol days. More on the family dairies one day.
My brother took us on his boat on the Potomac River, that runs through the city. As a high school student I used to scull on it. Henry hasn't been on a motor boat EVER, so he was completely amazed. His favorite part was watching the water get pushed out out the back. He loved how the boat made waves!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
San Diego Weekend Highlights
San Diego was great! Dean and I decided that it is a place we enjoy to go on holiday, but can't see ourselves living there again (sorry sissy poo, I still miss you stacks). Our holiday of course consisted of a lot of running around to do various errands for my mom, sister and I. But we also got up to some dinner parties, beach time and visits with friends too! The most important reason we were there was for Norah's special event. I am so happy that we were able to be there to support her at her First Communion which was lovely. All these little people decked out for this special rite of passage. Norah was gorgeous!

which had been given to her at her Confirmation.

(naughty boy, who gave that to you)!

After the ceremony, we had lunch reservations over at the Hotel Del. The day was gorgeous, so we were very excited about sitting outside for our lunch. Despite the lack of excellent service, the food was DELICIOUS!

his favorite, grilled cheese (love the bib)!

After lunch, we headed down to the beach. Coronado has the most gorgeous beaches. They are clean and quite expansive ( I think they must be man-made). Henry could not get out of his seat quick enough to go see the beach (put an emphasis on the "ch" of beach as this is how Henry pronounces it). "Yay, beach! It's the beach! Going to the beach! Go swim in the beach!" said Henry.

beautiful and she enjoyed dancing with it too!

jumped in literally with his clothes on. Thank goodness I brought his swim trunks!

my sister Sarah (her mother).

myself (perhaps maybe because henry is covering half my face). Having little sleep, the stress, that I've got going on these days does not make for a photogenic Kate.
After a delayed flight on Monday night we got home around midnight. Since we've been home, we've been sleeping, sleeping and recovering from PINK EYE! Yikes, not sure how Henry contracted that, but am thinking it must have been from the plane? Airport? Poor baba, woke this morning with his eyes glued shut. He was a very brave boy and managed to sit still while I put a warm washcloth on both eyes. Icky goop! He is resting up and on antibiotics. He'll be contagious free when we get back on the plane. Next stop Friday, we head to New Jersey to visit our friends in Princeton, then onto to DC. Very excited about this upcoming trip as it will be very defining for us. Will be sure to tell you more as things progress. For now, I keep quiet!
Glad to be back in blogging land. Hope I can get two more posts in before we go! Check back, ok.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Un-sunny California
We are in un-sunny San Diego til Monday night for my niece Norah's First Communion. Since we arrived on Tuesday, it has been NON STOP doing! And I'm exhausted! Not complaining, but at the moment I am doing whatever I can to hold my eyelids up!
Will be back on schedule this coming week, if not before, as I might be able to squeeze a few more sessions on the computer here before we head home. Hoping the sun will come out as well as this overcast weather makes me very sleepy.
Stay Tuned blogger buddies!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
It's Raining, it's pouring....
I've been drinking cup loads of THIS.

So with this funny weather, comes outdoor play with our frog boots on as well as more indoor play. We have been keeping busy with baking, art projects and running laps in the basement. Thank GOD for our basement. We turn up the tunes, throw balls and jump off my Pilates equipment. SO fun! I must admit, I am exhausted.

Note Elmo sitting with Hen. He is all sorted with his "smock" and paint brush too!
Henry is wearing his gorgeous little handmade smock from our Aussie friend Jodi, it 's from
So all in all. We've been having fun despite the bizarro weather. But I must add that at least our water levels are up around here..(Colorado is known for droughts and fires).
Next week, we will be in San Diego. Can't wait! Norah, my niece is having her first Communion. After the ceremony (not sure what it's called as I wasn't raised Catholic, even though I was baptized one), we are going to the Hotel Del for Lunch!

Will be a week of some fun festivities, wrapped with a little biz with Commandos, too!
Monday, June 1, 2009
Yoga and Pilates
I think that IS a great question to ask, but I was so so annoyed by a few of the answers that were given. As a student of both disciplines, I feel one should answer with the facts, not based on complete opinions. Before peeps can make an educated answer they must know both topics (and perhaps those few who annoyed me, haven't studied Pilates, which, hell, it is a site dedicated to yoga info any how). By all means, I can't say that I am an 'expert' in either discipline, but i do have some experience in both (yoga for 13 years, Pilates for 15 years).
So I decided to "comment" and provide a few more facts (and a little opinion) on how both disciplines can be applied to her question.."Which one can make you more flexible"... My stance is both yoga AND Pilates can help you get flexible. So I write out my suggestion and press "post." A new page then opens and tells me I must be "logged on." What? I search the site looking to register or logon. Can't find it. So, to cool my frustration, I decided I would post it on my blog (and it is one long comment....I'm now off the salt box, sorry)!
Very good question to ask! First I would like to help make a correction to the above comments.. Pilates IS a mental practice and does involve the mind body connection if taught correctly (sometimes Pilates can be taught incorrectly in ways that remind me of people doing nautilus on Pilates equipment..that's a no no. Pilates works on the whole body in conjunction with breath). "Contrology" was originally the name for this system of exercises which Joseph Pilates (1880-1967) was inventor and founder. In fact, Joe utilized yoga philosophies in his teachings. So a large foundation of Pilates comes from yoga. To this day, this "contrology" concept honors alignment, flexibility, circulation, strength and sometimes forgotten by instructors, BREATH. There are 6 principals of Pilates; centering, concentration, control, precision, breath and flow. I started learning mind body connection as a dancer, then as a Pilates student starting in 1994 and then as a yoga student in 1996. For me personally, I honor my yoga practice as it is a means for me to DEEPEN that mind body connection for both my Pilates exercises and yoga asanas. And whatever you are "working on" be it flexibility, strength, or even if you are trying to heal chronic pain, Yoga can help you (as does Pilates). Yoga is a mind body discipline, that takes you through asanas (poses), along with breath. It not only stretches you, but strengthens as well as improves circulation. Like Pilates, Yoga takes deep concentration, in order to help you achieve maximum potential in any given asanas (whether it's a balance pose like the tree or a 'resting' pose like child's pose). I am now a Pilates teacher, but I also still practice Yoga, which I LOVE. I think that both disciplines can give you flexibility (and strength too). They both challenge your inner most physical self, your nervous system, which is your information highway connecting your mind and body. However, I think it is very indicative of who you take from. My advice is to start by taking intro classes to both, but be sure to test the waters in a studio that is specific to the discipline (like a yoga studio or a Pilates studio). Good luck and have fun! Joe Pilates always said, "you are as old as your spine is flexible."
If you haven't already,
Let me know what you think too!