Wednesday, May 13, 2009

8 x 8 x 8

Kirsty over at The Weaver's Nest graciously noted me and my blog for the "Sista-hood Award." Thanks Kirsty for being a great blog-bud!
I've been tagged to participate in the 8x8x8 here goes!

8 Things I am looking forward to
1. Going to this evenings Farmer's market with Henry, the hubby and friends.
2. Get my hair cut and colored (desperately needed)!
3. Paying all my bills.
4. Going to San Diego to see my sister and my niece Norah.
5. Teaching my workshops (two are at the end of this month).
6. Going to South Africa for Christmas.
7. Cozying up my family every morning.
8. Going up to the ranch for some R & R over memorial weekend!

8 Things I did yesterday
1. Worked on business.
2. Walked with Henry to the park. We picked flowers and stones and threw them into the creek!
3. Had a picnic.
4. Went on a hike with our friends Helen and Klara. We saw a snake and we soaked our feet into the stream.
5. Worked on the computer while Henry napped.
6. Thought about a nap while Henry napped (of course I didn't).
7. Decided that i need to do more journal writing.
8. Planted Asian blue grass seedlings.

8 Things I Wish I could do

1. Go to bed earlier (too much to do)!
2. Take yoga everyday (yes, I love yoga just as much as Pilates. Yoga is for ME)
3. Be an interior designer
4. Travel more often
5. get my certification in IMT
6. Redo my house
7. Be a professional dancer (did it for most of my life, but quit when it really mattered)
8. write a book (not sure on the exact topic just yet).

Those reading...consider yourself 'tagged!'


Just Lisa said...

I love the randomness of eight cubed!

I came by to welcome you to SITS! We're happy to have you with us!

Ali said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE these. I wish I could cube 8 but when I get to three the brain damage ADD's me outta there and I am trying to remember if I showered today!


ALSO I was just dropping by to give some SITS love and remind you its Fabulous Purse Friday at my blog!!!

Cammie said...

Stopping by from SITS to say WELCOME! Hope you enjoy getting to know everyone!!

Aubrey said...

Great list!

I always think about a nap while my little one naps. LOL Don't know why I almost always pass one up!

Coming over from SITS to say WELCOME!