Friday, May 29, 2009


It's OUT OF AFRICA, again! So I am addicted to South African designers. Today, I was perusing some of my fave blogs. One of them, Skinny laMinx, of South Africa, showcased some local Cape Townians goods...Ninon. The Neighbourgoods Market in Cape Town is a gourment foods delight with tradesmen selling all sorts of delights; from the local famer's and wine estates to artisans. Ninon produces handmade delicious SHOES. They are adorable. And I NEED at least 3 pairs of them. I am lamenting a bit at the moment because they seem affordable, but once I would actually ship them to the states, they will cost an arm and a leg and two, I can't be so sure they will ever make it here. Their post system is well....S L O W and you can't be too sure if your mail will ever make it states side. I've learned that when shipping things from SA, if you aren't going through DHL, you MUST ship them through the Royal mail system (which basically means it goes by way of the UK and from there it ships). It is slightly more expensive but you are pretty much guaranteed a quicker delivery. For now, I will just drool, wish and dream wearing them! Any how, see below how yummy they really are!

Looking forward to the weekend. Hanging here in town. Tonight, we go to friends for dinner, shall be fun with all the kiddos together and tomorrow am it's off to the farmers market! Hope you all have a fun weekend!


Sprite, the odd dog. said...

that dog blog has me in TEARS thanks.

Love those pink/cream flats... did you buy all these young lady??? 8)

Sprite, the odd dog. said...

oh. that was Ali writing, not me Sprite. LOL

kate said...

Sprite and Ali, I thought you two needed to know about that blog. Those sisters got heart!

On the shoe front, I WISH I had bought them! We will be in SA over Christmas, will have to hunt them down then!